Thankful Tuesday 6/19

This week is about opportunities and staying cool…literally.

This week I’m especially thankful for…


  1. How God provided for me at work this weekend
  2. A third opportunity to interview with Baker for my dream job (fingers crossed!)
  3. My family and Kyle’s family for the enormous support system they are to me
  4. Elizabeth, for always being herself.  It makes my day to see her or talk to her
  6. Electricity – you don’t realize just how much you need it til the power goes out for several hours!
  7. My small group
  8. Autocorrect
  9. The opportunity to hang out with my Nana and Papa (grandma and grandpa) more now that they moved so much closer to us 🙂
  10. My co-worker Alyse for giving me an awesome coupon to buy my future husband’s wedding band with 🙂


“We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is fitting, because your faith grows exceedingly, and the love of every one of you all abounds toward each other…” —  2 Thessalonians 1:3


What are YOU thankful for today?

An Open Letter to Restaurant Regulars


Image via Google Images

Dear Regulars,

It is hard to describe how much employees of the restaurant industry truly value your business and, even more so, the personal value of your presence during our shifts.  So I thought I’d write you this letter.

This past weekend of work, I reflected on how I’m able to make a steady income and can continue living the lifestyle I do, paying off important bills, and saving for new adventures in my life when I work at a job with an un-promised income.  God provides for me and for all the other servers who work at restaurants around the world, and you are such a huge, important part of that.  At first, you’re the kind face who tipped us well once or twice.  But then you become the best part of our day.

Being a server at any restaurant, anywhere in the world, is an extraordinary struggle at times.  A struggle with co-workers, with customers, with management, the unsteady income, long hours and innumerable other variables that add to the equation.  But when you come in and sit with us, chat with us, text us after work, support us on Facebook or bring us food to work just because you care – that turns the tables.

So thank you – thank you for turning our bad days around, talking to us about our days when you certainly don’t have to, and caring about the work that we do.  I certainly know that on the behalf of all servers worldwide that love their regulars, we appreciate YOU, your friendship, your support, and your business.  You show us the true meaning of community.

Love always and God Bless You,

Kelsey 🙂

P.S. I’m writing the chapter of Shades of Violet this week, and everything is about to take a drastic turn.  Don’t miss it!

A New Start For Me

I have never had a professional massage before today.

Wow.  Apparently I had no idea what I was missing out on.  Felt like a great start to my mission of “starting anew” next week.

So next Tuesday begins a new chapter in my life.  I’m done with and I will begin “anew” as committed managing member of Resolve, a more committed server at the restaurant, and someone who is putting health and well being at the forefront of her daily agenda.

By taking 3 days off per week, and luckily not losing money from my normal budget while doing so, I feel like I’m really going to be able to start working on me again – start doing yoga, eating healthier, not sitting down for 12+ hours per day, focusing on being a better servant of Christ.  Yep.  That was one sentence.

Today when I was at the health fair at my workplace (of 2 more days) I had a potential chiropractic office check my spine/stress levels with their equipment, and to my extreme surprise apparently my body is under a severe amount of stress.  So I may start going to a chiropractor every once in a while – but also focusing my energies on more meditations, yoga, and good eating.

Starting a new chapter in my life means new beginnings, and a happy attitude.  And with all this, comes “Shades of Violet.”  I can NOT wait to share this exciting project with all of you (and more potential readers), and I can’t wait to get into my craft again.

God will provide for me during this time, and when the time is right for me to find the full-time job in my field, everything will fall into place.  But until then, I have a renewed hope and Jeremiah 29:11 to remember 🙂

Stop Mumbling and Be Nicer. Or Maybe I Should Just Let it Go.

I would say that this weekend at work was challenging, but really every weekend as a server is challenging.  Scratch that – every day as a server is challenging.

This weekend one of my customers mumbled and I got their order wrong (after repeating it back to them 3 times while they chatted with their friends) and another one of my customers was very nice for the 4 hours they sat at my table…before they tipped me 5%.

It’s so easy to be a bitter person in the restaurant industry, and I work at a good, successful restaurant.   It’s easy to be bitter at the people you serve, sometimes the people you work with, and sometimes the restaurant itself.  After 7 years of serving I’m starting to understand just now that living a simple life means letting things go – and not just at work.

Does it make me upset when people don’t tip well enough, when people cut me off on the highway, or when people brush by my shoulder in the store and don’t say “excuse me?”  Always.  But what do I know about that person?

Is that person as broke as I am?  (Disclaimer, you still shouldn’t go out to eat if you don’t have enough money to tip 20%!)  Have they had a really bad day?  Did they REALLY not see me when they were changing lanes?

The process of de-cluttering my life is not just physical — it’s mental and spiritual.  I have to let go of these frustrations that I often carry with me in an iron-grip.  Sometimes when stupid issues or drama or people show up at my door I just need to look above me and say “Jesus, it’s for you!”  because these were never burdens God intended for us to carry.

Goal for next weekend (baby step):  the customers might not always be right, but neither am I.  Have more sympathy, understanding, and faith that no matter what God always provides for me; that’s all that matters.